Conditions of Carriage

1. Introduction

Wilba the Empowerbus Pty Ltd (Wilba) is proudly Australian owned and operated.  We provide a safe, clean and professional bus service to the Bourke community.

2 Use of tickets

You must make a booking or buy a ticket on board to travel on the bus.

3 Infants & Children

We do not permit children aged 15 or less to travel unaccompanied by a parent or guardian. Children aged 16 years and over may travel unaccompanied but their supervision and safety is the sole responsibility of their parent or guardian.

4 Behaviour, alcohol and food etc.:

4.1 The consumption of alcohol, other drinks and food (except water in screw top containers) is prohibited.
4.2 The smoking of cigarettes or the carrying, using or selling of any prohibited/illegal substance is also prohibited.
4.3 We will require any passenger to disembark, or permission to board will be refused, if in the opinion of Wilba or the driver and in their sole discretion:
(a) the passenger wilfully interferes with the comfort or safety of any person;
(b) there is a threat to any passenger or Wilba staff member as a result of violent, abusive or aggressive behaviour.
4.4 Violence, abuse or aggression in any form will not be tolerated and We will report any such behaviour to the police.
4.5 The following conduct is prohibited:
(a) putting the passenger’s feet on the seat;
(b) carrying petrol or anything containing petrol;
(c) carrying implements intended for vandalism;
(d) spitting;
(e) littering;
(f) throwing any objects; and
(g)vandalism of Wilba property.

5 Baggage

5.1 Large items (such as bikes and very large items or excess baggage) may be permitted, subject to availability of space,
5.2 Passengers are responsible for the protection of fragile items and must ensure that no item causes any danger, obstruction or inconvenience to other passengers, the driver or the bus.

6 Left luggage

Any property that is left aboard a Wilba vehicle will be stored at the owner’s risk for no more than 14 days.

7 Mobility

7.1 If you have a mobility issue it will assist us if this can be notified before your travel time.  We will use our best endeavours to accommodate any passengers with mobility or disability restrictions.
7.2 Each passenger with a disability needs to ensure they can board, disembark and move around the bus unaided or, alternatively, to travel with a carer/companion.

8 Drivers and passengers

8.1 Passengers must be able to move and place their own luggage on and off the bus and within the bus.
8.2 Passengers also acknowledge that their luggage must be stowed safely and securely.
8.3 Passengers acknowledge that by boarding the bus they may be filmed by CCTV footage and any film taken may be used by Wilba strictly for purposes relating to issues of security and arising from the journey or for the purposes of legal proceedings by Wilba or third parties.

9 Our responsibilities

It is the passenger’s responsibility to ensure they keep with them at all times their personal belongings, handbags, glass etc. and the check their seat before disembarking the bus.

10 Limitation of Liability

10.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law:
(a) all passengers and their property are entirely at their own risk;
(b) Wilba will not be liable to the passenger for death, sickness of or any other injury to any passenger or for any other injury, loss or damage suffered by the passenger whether personal or consequential or otherwise, however caused; and
(c) Wilba will not be liable for the loss of or damage to any personal effects, luggage or other goods, whether or not such loss or damage is suffered, or is caused by anything occurring before, after, or in the course of any journey.

11 General

11.1 We understand that your right to privacy is of the utmost importance. To that end, we are committed to the protection of your personal information. Any information we collect from you is used only to provide you with our service. 
11.2 We hope you enjoy your travel with us. Please refer to our website for full terms and conditions and our privacy policy at